In a wild fit of Lentian enthusiasm, I decided this Fat Tuesday
afternoon to do a 40-day juice diet between midnight tonight and Palm
Sunday on March 23rd (which is also a full moon... wild, eh?).

I've never gone more than three weeks on juices alone before, so this
strikes me as being an interesting and exciting experiment.

If any of you have any hints or suggestions or look-out fors on an
extended juice diet like this, I'd love to hear them.

On another, totally irreverant note, I just have to share this with
all of you. I admit to changing a few things here and there...

Think you may be work or post on a raw-food list with an Alien?

(This article has been attributed to a number of different sources,
mostly tabloid magazines, but apparently the real author is concealing
his identity.  Probably for fear of alien retaliation.)

Many Americans post or work side by side with space aliens who look
human--but you can spot these visitors by looking for certain
tip-offs, say experts. They listed 10 signs to watch for:

1  Odd or mismatched clothes.  "Often space aliens don't fully
understand the different styles, so they wear combinations that are
in bad taste, such as checked pants with a striped shirt or a tuxedo
jacket with blue jeans or sneakers," noted Brad Steiger, a renowned
UFO investigator and author.

2  Strange diet or unusual eating habits.  Space aliens might eat
french fries with a spoon or gobble down large amounts of pills, the
experts say. Space aliens might eat uncooked foods. A few even
consume raw animals!

3  Bizarre sense of humor.  Space aliens who don't understand
earthly humor may laugh during a serious company training film or tell
jokes that no one understands.

4  Takes frequent sick days.  A space alien might need extra time
off to "rejuvenate its energy," said Dr. Thomas Easton, a theoretical
biologist and futurist. Some aliens claim they're doing Lentian juice diets
or extended periods on water alone.

5  Keeps a written or tape recorded diary.  "Aliens are constantly
gathering information," said Steiger. Some aliens keep track of heart
rates, urine pH, and pulse, if they have a pulse, and some don't!

6  Misuses everyday items.  "A space alien may use correction fluid
to paint its nails," said Steiger. One alien was seen using
correction fluid to fix a typo on his computer screen.

7  Constant questioning about customs of co-workers.  Space aliens
who are trying to learn about earth culture might ask questions that
seem stupid, Easton said.  "For example, a co-worker may ask why so
many Americans picnic on the Fourth of July," noted Steiger.

8  Secretive about personal lifestyle and home.  "An alien won't
discuss domestic details or talk about what it does or eats at night
or on weekends," said Steiger.

9  Frequently talks to himself.  "An alien may not be used to
speaking as we do, so it may practice speaking," Steiger noted.

10. Displays a change of mood or physical reaction when near certain
high-tech hardware.  "An alien may experience a mood change when a
microwave oven is turned on," said Steiger.

The experts pointed out that a co-worker or raw-food list poster
would have to display most if not all of these traits before you can
positively identify him/her.

I only thank the good Lord that I don't fit any of the above traits,
so I'm obviously as human a bean as it's possible to be. Now, where
did I put my yellow tie and blue shirt?

Enjoy brain-engaging and assumption-busting natural health