jr wrote:

>i am not a perfect fit for my environment, that maybe, as i always
>suspected, i come from a different planet. (one with less gravity, 25
>hour days, and girls that like me)

		a fellow martian!  if my memory serves me well, doesn't
mars have a 25 hour day?  certainly less gravity (a third, i think), and
we can work on that last item.  why don't we claim mars as a sanctuary
for rawists everywhere?  come from throughout the universe, escape your
environment of debauchery & cooked insanity!  come to mars, intergalactic
zone of living foodists always.  this could become an advocacy group.
who wants to contact nasa?  hell, go straight to the un!

	eating raw, i feel less restricted by gravity, my days seem
longer than when cooked, and yes, girls like me more!  clearing the skin,
shedding the fat, losing sour body odor, brightening the eyes, & (most of
all) improving the attitude:  these all add to one's attractiveness,
agreed?  yes, the raw spirit may repel those afraid of the new &
unconventional, but i see that as a desirable filter mechanism.  the down
side to this raw-attractiveness:  you'll find many of your earlier
desires falling away.  makeup, perfume, & latest fashions even more
clearly shine through as false, unnecesary, & a turn-off.  you may even
find someone you seem to resonate with, then find yourself repelled by
the rotting cooked smells emanating from their mouth & pores.  (this
happened to me during a very intimate moment!  how do you tell them?  i
couldn't bring myself to...)

	so following the raw law has, for me, increased my
attraction-force on (some) girls, yet certainly made me a lot harder to
please.  could i live long-term with a cooked-foodist?  certainly
anything may happen in this infinite world, but i have dreams of
raw-mates, not cooked ones.  pathological?  true to my inner knowing.  i
haven't met any gal who can stay with me *and* stay with raw (yet).  my
primary girlfriend of the moment recently spent 19 days free of the
cooking vice, and now tells me with remorse of her rice (or whatever)
transgressions.  she felt wonderful on a three-day water fast.  i try not
to judge, just support her.  a very delicate issue, indeed.

	by the way, i see monogamy as something in my past, like cooked
food.  a much easier mind-set to break!  but hard for some of my
girlfriends to come to grips with at first.  search for "polyamory" on
the web to see what i mean.  faithful nonmonogamy.  our own list savior,
james ward, recently posted about how his wife has another lover, and he
has two.  loving, open relationship.  give up possessiveness!  or at
least inform yourself as to other ways to work that love thang.  zephyr
gives it great treatment in his indispensable book:

	re: tofu tollbooth.  never seen the book, but i find the yellow
pages in any city i arrive in to serve me well.  look up "health food &
diet products, retail" (or wholesale if you want to stock up!).

looking forward to walking the pyramids on mars,