        ric & all,
                  i sat with my feet immersed in r.c. dini's pool while
listening to the talks given by david wolfe & then roe gallo.  david
spoke with greater enthusiasm, energy, & aliveness.  at the end he dove
into the pool, with all his clothes on!  roe's first comment when she
took the mike: "i'm not going to do that at the end!"  and david stayed
around with his dripping, cold clothes on, rather than put on dry things.

        during roe's talk, i asked her the first questions, after which a
few others chimed in.  upon hearing her "22 years fruitarian" statement,
i asked, "what do you define as a fruit?  cucumbers, nuts?"  she said yes
to cucumbers and no to nuts, with a slightly condescending "avocados are
fruits, tomatoes are fruits, and cucumbers are fruits."  i nodded and
        when she again mentioned eating nothing but fruit, i queried,
"how long have you gone without vegetables."  she began saying, "22 years
ago..." to establish her raw foundation.  then, "in 1988..." when she
moved to 2 salads/week (i think).  the punchline: "for about six months
i've eaten exclusively fruit."  the clincher!

        yes, she does look great, both in person and in a bikini on the
back cover of her book.  i did get a "ungrounded" energy from her, but
that could have come from "having to play a role" at the party.
balancing precariously on one foot while speaking, letting the microphone
cord wrap around her body in various entanglements, and voice pitch
shifts all indicated someone not highly experienced or comfortable in
public speaking or "not all there."  i hope everything goes well for her.
