At 01:00 PM 2/2/97 -0500, Steve Carper <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>One: hydrolyzed vegetable protein.    In the past, processors could use
>unspecified hydrolyzed protein as an ingredient.  The protein source could
>be casein.  Under the latest FDA rules, a casein-containing ingredient must
>be listed as hydrolyzed milk protein or the equivalent.  Hydrolyzed
>vegetable protein can no longer  contain casein or whey.
But there are proposed rules and rules, and there is a distinction between
ingredients and flavorings. Under current FDA rules hydrolyzed protein can
legally be called flavorings or natural flavors and they do not have to
disclose the source of the protein. You have to call and ask, and most
likely will be told it is proprietary and they don't have to disclose what
the flavorings are. Though they may tell you whether it is dairy or non-dairy.