Diet zealotry is not welcome on the raw-food list. A diet zealot 1)is
somebody who exhibits a fundamentalist/ idealistic attitude about
his/her diet and tends to see things in black and white. 2)identifies
with his/her diet to the extent that most criticism is taken as a
personal attack 3)expresses most of his/her opinions with blanket
statements rarely backing up claims with facts or evidence or making
any separation between what he/she believes to be true and what are
established facts. 4)ignores requests for dialogue and backs out of
discussions with silence and/or insults when, as often, feeling
cornered. 5)will rarely admit to being wrong or mistaken 6)is very
distrustful of the world and easily gets paranoid seeing conspiracies
where none are 7)tends to have an elitist, holier-than-thou attitude
believing in & expressing own superiority.8)is for the most part unable
to engage in constructive and respectful dialogue with people who hold
different views.
Rene Beresford, Stephen Arlin(NFL) and Bob Avery have all exhibited
some or most of these traits and behaviors and despite numerous
requests to discuss these and related issues refused any dialogue.
Therefore, they have all been unsubscribed from raw-food. If they want
to return to to the list, as I hope they will, they will have to
contact me privately and show a sincere willingness to understand &
look at these matters. In the meantime they can follow the activities
of the list through the archives, and if they want to post
announcements, inquiries or other contributions relevant to the raw
food community, they can send them to me or Dave, and we will forward
them to the list.

Best, Peter
Moderator Raw-food
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