Patric, Welcome to the list!

>Not so!  I own "feasting on raw foods," edited by Charles Gerras,
>1980, Rodale Press (found at a used book store). "Featuring over 350
>healthful no-cook recipes for every part of a meal - from appetizers
>through main course dishes to desserts." I almost left it because it
>had "Fish" and "Meat" sections. At that time I was shocked by it.

Amazing! I will put it on the top of my book wish list right away.

>Now that I have been exposed to the persuasive arguments of
>instinctos, I am much more open to the idea of eating RAF.
>Personally, I am hampered by cultural taboos and fear of the food

I believe that John Robbins said that if people in the US cut down
their meat consumption by 10% then there would be enough food in the
world to feed everybody. (I am right, Bhodi?)It seems to me that a
moderate consumption of raw animal foods (RAF) could be a sustainable

>Besides which, I know I would be condemned by many people if I walk
>away from an 18-year commitment to vegetarianism and would lose my
>position in the local vegetarian society.

Add 7 years to that and you know how I feel. :-) It is a very difficult
process to open up to eating animal foods after so many years of
vegetarian conditioning. But hang in there you are not alone. In fact
there are quite a few closet RAF eaters on this list, who are not ready
yet to stand up and admit that they no longer are total vegans or
vegetarians and who just like you are afraid of loosing their position
in the vegetarian movement or status among their vegan friends.
Hopefully, your post will encourage them a bit.

>I would rather listen to voices of experience than go down a
>path that may lead to deficiencies later on.

Wise move.

>I just bought used copy of Schaefer's "Instinctive Nutrition."  There
>were actually two copies on the shelf, which makes me hope there may
>be people I can talk to here in Albuquerque.

Is that not where the new Naturopathic College is? You might find some
open-minded people there.

>A few days ago I shared a can of (dolphin-free) tuna with my cat.  I
>know,it wasn't raw, but I trusted it.  I just wanted to see if I could
>still digest flesh after all of these years.  I had no
>gastro-intestinal stress at all.  But the next day I got a muscle
>cramp in my foot.  I had forgotten that such a thing could even
>happen.  Coincidence?

It takes a little time for your body to create the enzymes to digest
the meat after so long abstinence. Some digestive enzymes might do the

Best, Peter
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