Rene Beresford commented on my recent post "Nature's REAL First Law". Below
are my replies to some of his comments:

> Why make such
>comments on the avocado tree poster, rather, do we not realize that the
>PRINCIPLE of the RAW-FOOD  message is what they are concerned with?

The principle of the raw food message is a very positive one: that we love
the earth, ourselves, and others enough to have a raw/living foods lifestyle.
The problem with the NFL book is that, in my opinion - an opinion shared by
many - said principle of love is explicitly betrayed by the hostile content
of their book.

>Let us realize that the way to a RAW FOOD/FRUIT path is also one of inner
>peace and harmony within, an wholistic affair, body, mind and spirit.  We
>need to support and encourage each other and what kind of raw food, that
>comes later and will likely differ for each, depending on one's personal
>insights and progress.

The record of the 3 guys on veg-raw shows, in my opinion, a very high level
of hostility by them, directed against other raw-fooders, specifically the
majority of veg-raw readers.  I return to veg-raw, now raw-food, and post a
non-hostile, intellectual challenge to the 3 guys. My post simply illustrated
the absurdity of the name they chose for themselves, and their poor choice of
tree for the cover of their book. You respond with what seems to me, to be a
sermon - a sermon that is aimed at the wrong person. Where is your sermon to
the 3 guys when they were so hostile on veg-raw?

Tom Billings
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