Rene said:
>Lots of what was posted by Tom, and others, about avocados and the
>trees is true. But is this not, indeed, just "debunking" the NFL
>guys. Why make such comments on the avocado tree poster

Which comments are you specifically referring to? And would you say the
same thing if I published a book on the virtues of raw bark eating with
a nude picture of myself in a tree feeding off the raw bark? ;-)

>,rather, do we not realize that the PRINCIPLE of the RAW-FOOD message
>is what they are concerned with?

Do not forget that it is exactly out concern for the principle of the
"RAW-FOOD message" that so many have spoken out so strongly against
NFL. I found "Nature's Real First Law" (RFL) to be in the spirit of
this message and thought it was one of the most intelligent & inspiring
writings I have read in a long time. I do believe that neither NFL nor
RFL should be evalued by trying to second-guess the principles or
intentions behind their writings but on their actual content or lack
thereof. Being one of the most experienced & accomplished fruit eaters
in the world I would very much like to hear your comments to the main
contentions of the RFL post.

>I find it sad to see that some seem to "seek" to hit the dog and, as
>we know, there is always a stick to be found.

Are you referring to RFL references to the cover photo or to other
parts of the the RFL message? Either way I cannot imagine a more to the
point and non-judgmental comment than the RFL posting. Please be a
little mor specific in your comments as generalizations can be so
easily misunderstood.

>Let us look at the good that is in it (and the avocado tree poster is
>just some fun, and why not?),

Many have looked and have found the bad to outweigh the good. As to the
avocado tree shot what makes you say that it was "just some fun"? (I
would have no problem if it was as the NFL message is anything but

>Maybe the following is some example of what to look for: All of us
>have somewhere some faults, an ego, personality, but, overall, we are
>all good people.  Should we concentrate on our 1 or 2% of ego, faults,
>or should we not expand on the goodness that we all have within us? We
>know the answer!

Please be a little more respectful of the people who have been critical
of NFL. If they had only found 2 -3 % faults with NFL, I am sure they
would all have been standing up behind it.

>So, let us look at the goodness the 3 guys advocate and that is the
>promotion of the RAW FOOD diet.

O.J. could use you as his advocate. ;-) Goodness and tolerance are
hardly the main pillars of the NFL message, though in person I must
admit they are pretty nice guys. But nice or not, when they defend
Adolph Hitler if even indirectly and use mass killer Charles Manson as
a reference I do not care if they are direct incarnations of the raw
spirit itself - I will speak up.

>Let us realize that the way to a RAW FOOD/FRUIT path is also one of
>inner peace and harmony within, an wholistic affair, body, mind and

If this is true one can only wonder how come these mellow vibes have
not rubbed off more in the NFL message. Hostility - not peace - is the
first word that comes to mind when thinking of NFL. (not to be confused
with the individual authors who in person are pretty cool guys - go

>We need to support and encourage each other

Not if by doing this we are supporting bigotry and denial.

>and what kind of raw food, that comes later and will likely differ for
>each, depending on one's personal insights and progress.

Do I disagree here. Raw food issues matter *now* as this is when we
actually live our lives. And there is no reason why we cannot learn
from each other instead of making the same mistakes over and over

>I feel and know that there is too much emphasis on only the physical
>aspects of diet, eating and food.

I could not agree more but if you read NFL this is not exactly the
message they are bringing across. (In person I was happy to see them a
lot less deterministic and quite open to other aspects of life)

>Have joy and relax into the new diet, make it a happy time to

Thanks, but let's not forget that for many a raw food diet has been a
very mixed experience, and that we would be doing these people a great
disservice by trying to pretend that we are just one big happy family.

>The best in good health.  Rene (Fruitarian Network)

Best, Peter
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