Hello.  I just joined the raw mailing list. I just started my journey into
raw foods about 2 months ago.  I know there are so many "facets" or types of
raw-foodists, some use dehydrators, some dont, some only eat fruits and
vegs, others grains, yet other are fruitarians, some take "natural"
supplements such as algae, bee pollen, and others don't  I find it
facinating.  Currently I have just one question.  I have a thermostat on my
dehydrator.  I currently have it set to 110 degrees.  I was wondering if any
of you out there use dehydrators, what do you have your temp set at and why?
I have heard all kinds of temperatures that enzymes start suffering at.  The
most wild was while I was visiting San Diego at a health food store, an
employee told me they 160 degrees!  Well I am under the assumption that the
magice number is 117 degrees, but lately have heard of even 102 degrees.
Can anybody give me some insight on this subject.  I am also really
interested in alkaline and the acid balance, and if anyone could offer
insight or references I can look at on the web, or otherwise, I would
apprecite it.
