Hi Martha,

You can get Stevia from a southern california organization named
'Sunrider'. Unfortunately, this organization's products are rather high
priced. You might search the web for details about the organization, and
stevia, before you decide to buy from them. (Or before you decide to
enroll in their pyramid distribution scheme with the hope of saving some

I tried Stevia before it was approved by the FDA as a food supplement. (At that
time it was being sold as a "health care product" by sunrider.) I liked the
taste, and a small amount went a long way in sweetening things.

Did I say that sunrider products are expensive? Well, they are. But Stevia is
reasonably priced, as far as I recall. About $5 for a small bottle. The stuff is
really concentrated, and a few drops go a long way.

I tried Sunrider products, and became a distributer. However, I found that
studying a little about traditional chinese medicine, and finding lower-cost
alternative suppliers, worked out to be more effective and economical for me.


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Subject: Bodhi's lemonade

Hi Bodhi,

You've mentioned Stanley Burroughs' lemonade a couple times.  I  tried
his lemonade "fast" back in the '70s a few times.  I found the
lemon/maple taste combination enough to gag on.  Then add the
cayenne,  YIKES!  I ended up taking the cayenne in capsules and
chugging down the lemonade while holding my nose.  Honey tastes
much better with lemon but he effectively scared me off from using it.
Anyway, you recently mentioned using stevia in lemonade.  I'm curious
about this as I've seen several mentions of stevia but have never
found it in any store.  It seems like if this stuff was as great as the
claims, *somebody* would be trying to make some $$$ off it!
So I was wondering how you like it, where you got it, what form it was
in, and how much $$$?