Hi, Tom                                Thursday 3:20 PM

Thanks for all that added information on the Sesame oil.
You mentioned Castor Oil.   Now there's another "goodie."
I want to pass this information on to all the folks on the list, in case
they know of anyone who has recently had surgery and is having a rough
time of it. About 30 years ago my mother-in-law had her breast removed.  Every time
she moved her arm the skin would break open again.  We got small vials of
castor oil for her to use on it.  (Castor oil is also used for burns or
chemicals in the eyes, did you know that?)  My mother-in-law said it was
the first good day she had after using the castor oil...it did the trick.

Back in 1977 I had to have major rectal surgery.  The pain was so bad I
wanted to commit suicide. The hospital gave me some cream or ointment to
use.  It burned like acid.  I had to almost scrape it off.  When I
returned home after 12 days I tried good ole reliable castor oil.  It
worked like a charm.

At my next doctor visit I told the doctor about the castor oil, half
expecting him to scold me for using something he hadn't recommended.
Instead, he thanked me, and said many of his patients got no relief from
the prescribed ointment.

My young son had a very bad fall on the sidewalk and got a huge abrasion
from his wrist to his elbow, about two inches side.  On the
recommendations of A.R.E.'s  Edgar Cayce, I made a poultice using a
sanitary napkin doused with the castor oil.  I left it on for days, only
replacing the outside bandage every day.  He had no scars, and it healed

In 1990 I fell off a bike and slid across the sidewalk scraping both
knees badly.  I kept the knees covered with castor oil and they  healed,
in spite of my diabetes.

In 1960 I had gall bladder surgery, and whenever the weather changed and
rain was in the offing the incision would "drive me crazy."  What relief,
when I smoothed castor oil over the incision.  It seems to
"weather-proof" the injured area.

It's also very good for use on paper cuts.  I work with paper every day
and am prone to many cuts...it's great! (not the cuts...the castor oil!)

I would highly recommend that you recommend castor oil to anyone who has
any kind of injury or trauma to the skin.  Got friends with arthritic
knees?  Rub castor oil on the knees in a circular motion.

To your good health!
Marie Betz   &:-)