Ric Lambart:
>Didn't the List cover the usual mucous generating problems with the raw
>dairy?  Been absent as a regular reader of the list for some time (3+
>months), so maybe it was discussed.

The point I was trying to make was that raw milk, consumed warm, spiced,
after meals, with consideration given to the content of the meal, is *not*
mucus forming. (Ayurveda considers goat milk to reduce mucus!).  Milk
that is pasteurized, drunk cold, with meals, irregardless of meal content,
will generally produce mucus.

I find that raw milk, consumed correctly, produces almost no mucus - less mucus
than unsoaked nuts or avocados.

The way you consume something can of course make a big difference; compare
1 kg of wheat berries, soaked and sprouted, versus 1 kg wheat ground into
flour, mixed with 1 kg sugar and baked into cookies. Big difference in how
the body reacts to wheat sprouts vs. cookies.

>That was the next to last raw animal product our family quit (honey the
>last), and when the dairy vacated our abode, so did mucous problems, colds,
>etc.  Dairy (both cow and goat) milks don't closely proximate human milk,
>so we weren't surprised at the improvements in our well being once we cut
>the delicious liquid (and cheeses) out.

And you were drinking milk refrigerator cold, with meals, unspiced, etc?

>I'd heard many well thought out arguments against dairy products for quite
>a few years before I was able to overcome my own addiction to the food, but
>have never been sorry...and my kids grew up with excellent teeth and
>bones...and were still taller than their parents (my ex-wife and I), sans

I have heard a number of the standard vegan arguments against dairy,
but I have also heard some pro-dairy arguments as well. In fact, an analysis
of the vegan view of dairy reveals a great deal about veganism. I have a file
in my archives that addresses this topic, and will eventually retrieve it,
update and enlarge it, and post it.  It will be some weeks before I get around
to posting that. The material there is best presented as a whole, rather than
piecemeal. That file discusses how and why ethical veganism is an inconsistent
and incomplete philosophy, and the vegan view of dairy and honey.

Regarding possible cruelty; it is clear that dairy farming as big business is
indeed cruel. However, it is possible to produce milk in a much more humane
manner, and a few small producers are trying. I'm not saying they are saints,
but they are moving in the right direction. A local goat dairy uses no drugs,
no hormones, their animals have space to run and are given names, and the
animals actually come to the milking location when it is time to be milked.
Their milk is raw, of course.

Tom Billings
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