Re: Vitamin D deficiency in vegan diets

>Of course, but I just wonder if there is any way of establishing what the
>truth of the matter migh be. I will receive all back issues of Health and
>Beyond soon; that promises to give me some good education (that's not what
>my mother thinks, though.)

>Tom, what do YOU think? I find your past postings and opinions very valuable
>and worth considering. What is your feeling on this vitamin D story?

My personal observation is that I have no hard evidence of Vitamin D deficiency
in vegans, but that if one is vegan (hence has no dietary source of D), there
is nothing wrong in taking a Vitamin D pill once a week, as Dr. Bass suggests.
Regarding symptoms of disorder, I have learned the hard way (and seen others
learn the hard way), that disorder/deficiency symptoms may come on very slowly,
such that you attribute it to other factors (detox, or not being "pure" enough
in your diet).  So, taking one vitamin D pill a week, even if not absolutely
necessary, seems like reasonable insurance.

Tom Billings
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