martha understandably asked:

>        Do you know anything about Stueve's Dairy practices?  How
>are they legally able to provide raw dairy products?  Do they use the
>daily antibiotics practice described by Dr. Howell in Enzyme Nutrition?  I
>find their products readily available here in SB but wouldn't want to
>support that sort of practice if there's a better alternative.

		i planned on jouneying to stueve's today, but as my host
celebrated her birthday, i got caught up in the festivities.  walking
around a humongous mall, finally taking refuge in a waldenbooks at their
"health/fitness" section.  barry sears has put out a sequel to
[enter]_the_zone_, called _mastering_the_zone_.  i didn't fork over the
moolah for it, but paged through with interest.  not much wiser than when
all my zone knowledge came from the internet & m2m.  i asked the seafood
joint in the food court if they would serve me fish without deep frying
it.  they refused.  not that i planned to actually eat at the moment,
just testing the waters.  later our party of four went to a matinee,
"scream."  easily the best horror movie i've ever seen, due to the humor.
still, i did not feel enriched or improved afterwards, and certainly
don't reccomend it to any fellow human being.  just did the social thing,
which i question more & more as time wears on.  i've seen a half dozen
movies in the theater in the past two years, tops.  videos don't use the
gelatin that films do... more veganically-correct...

	oh, yeah, if anyone wants to contact stueve's before or after i
visit them tomorrow (fingers crossed):

	stueve's natural
	250 w. 1st street #250
	claremont, ca 91711
	(909) 392-1901

	i hope they treat their cows well.  i like to think the term
"natural" still means something, but deep down i know it could turn out
more horrific than that bloody movie...

	as far as the "legality" or "lawfulness" of selling the raw
dairy, i think they *must* carry the following notice on each item sold:

		|      G O V E R N M E N T  W A R N I N G :	|
		|						|
		| IMMUNITY.					|

	that took too long to construct.  but now your get the idea of
the reality-grid raw dairy producers must labor under.  germ-theory of
contagion and all that jazz.  i'd like to see warning labels some of you
could come up with!  like, "persons at highest risk include those who eat
cooked food, avoid the sun, fail to laugh, breathe shallowly, feel alone,
weren't breast-fed, et cetera".  how about slapping a sticker on every
package of sugar that proclaims: "for external use only."  ha ha hahaha!

	stueve's doesn't carry the certified organic label, and i hope to
report back to y'all soon as to why not.  a cultured milk, indeed...


January 26, 1997
Health & Beyond Tips
Number 16

Close to five years ago, I reached the point where the read-out on our
bathroom scale tipped over the 200 pound mark. Pretty ridiculous for a
44-year old guy who in a good pair of jogging shoes would just about
reach 5'8". In fact, I looked like a pear with legs, and I walked like
a duck in heat from carrying all that excess lard around. Miserable
and surveying the sad side of melancholy half the time, I had no
energy, a right shoulder that made me grind my teeth with pain when I
tried to lift my arm, finger joints that felt like I'd been pounding
on steel doors, and constant indigestion that kept me bloated and

I don't have room to tell you the story of my health conversion back
in 1993, but, about this same time, in the little town of Eidson,
Tennessee, a Baptist preacher by the name of George Malkmus finally
started having success with a message he'd been trying to share since
1976, a message that explained in loving detail how he had cured
himself of colon cancer by exchanging the fare of the world for God's
diet, vegetarian nourishment of uncooked whole foods that he
supplemented with freshly extracted carrot juice and a mineral and
vitamin-rich, natural, organic supplement called AIM BarleyGreen.

You see, in the early 1990's, Dr. Malkmus had mortgaged his truck to
open a small health food restaurant in Rogersville, TN, population
5,000. There he served fresh salads and told anyone who would listen
how God did not mean for us to get sick, did not mean for us to suffer
chronic ailments, did not mean for us to rot away with cancer and the
other degenerative diseases in America while the so-called "health
care" system drained our dignity and our wallets. In that little
restaurant that seated sixteen people, Dr. Malkmus told folks how they
could cure their own ills if they simply changed their diets and

A few people listened.

And they got well eating this healthy diet that also tasted good.

They told others. And in a matter of months, Dr. Malkmus had to move
to a larger restaurant to hold all the men and women who now wanted to
hear his message. Soon that restaurant was too small, and to reach
even more people Dr. Malkmus and his wife Rhonda decided to
concentrate on helping people by conducting free seminars in churches
around the country, and by sending out a free bi-monthly publication
called "Back to the Garden."

I received Dr. Malkmus's first issue of "Back to the Garden" the same
month I started my newsletter in 1993. Praying that people would react
to his printed message as positively as they did to his spoken
message, he and Rhonda mailed 5,000 free copies of their first issue.

Not quite five years later, this month Dr. Malkmus will mail a first
printing of 100,000 FREE copies of Issue No. 14 of "Back to the
Garden." Five to eight people read each issue of "Back to the Garden",
so this February Dr. Malkmus's message may well reach close to a
million people. (Towards the end of this issue of the health tip,
you'll find the number to call to receive this wonderful, free

And does Dr. Malkmus's Hallelujah Program work for people? Or Lord,
does it! In speaking with him for almost five hours last Saturday
night, I got goosebumps on my arms from his telling of the
testimonials that literally pour into his headquarters every week. I
spoke with George on the phone two nights ago, and he told me they're
getting up to 250 requests a day now for free subscriptions to "Back
to the Garden." A groundswell of healing is occurring in the Christian
community, and this groundswell is spreading by word of mouth the good
news of the Hallelujah Diet and the remarkable results people are
getting from going on it.

What kind of healing? Reports come in of relief for just about every
human ailment, including cancer! I occasionally get criticized for
suggesting in the health newsgroups that most "diseases" will give way
to a general body detoxification program and dietary and lifestyle

Well, Dr. Malkmus will tell you the same thing... that God built into
the human body the power to renew, and that we as individuals can
unleash that power once we start providing the body with the proper
foods. As George says in his presentation, "You can't run an
automobile on anything but the fuel it was designed to run on, so why
do we think we can fuel our bodies with Oreos, doughnuts, coffee, Big
Macs, and French fries when God designed us to eat unprocessed,
natural foods?"

I wish you could meet George Malkmus. At 62 years of age, he gives off
more energy than most of the teenagers I work with during the days at
the school where I teach English. Lean and fit at 137 pounds, he can
hold an audience in the palm of his hand for three remarkably
energetic hours. I was amazed as I watched those in the Baptist church
where George spoke last Saturday. Folks listened intently, often
nodding their heads in agreement at the obvious simplicity and truth
of what Dr. Malkmus had to say about how we don't have to be sick,
that we can be happy and well all the time, that our bodies alone will
heal themselves... if we just treat them the way they were meant to be

Well, I could rave on for pages about George Malkmus, but in the
interest of keeping the health tip to around 2,000 words, let me shut
my yap now and give you the full details of the Hallelujah program.