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	In reference to your water dilemmas and decision to use your
freinds reverse osmosis purifier, I thought you might be interested to
know about a great distiller which works great for me at school.  Its
called the waterwise 5000 and distills a gallon in six hours.  The cost
is cheaper than most distillers at $250.  It comes with cleaner and a
one gallon jug.  It has certainly paid off for me.  I can still
remember the days of going to the Bread & Circus and having to lug
those nasty plastic jugs out with me- never mind saving all the plastic
now.  The unit is real small and convenient.  I got mine at
(800)874-9028  -Waterwise 26200 US HWY 27S, Leesburg Fl 34748.  Chech
it out if you like distilled water.
For myself, I was wondering if anyone could help me find a place
to order "Food of Truth" by David Shelley, Morris Krok's "Fruit, the
food and Medicine of Man", and "I Live on Fruit and Nothing
Else" by Essie Honiball.  I was hoping for a place to order them from
in the US.  Also, can anyone recommend any good reading concerning what
to do about vaccinations.
Tom, I just wanted to quickly say I loved your page on the
processing of nuts and am looking forward to reading the finalized one
on wild vs. our modern day market fruit.

Todd Seliga
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