Kathy Wentz wrote:
>We were in a Hardees.  We ordered french fries as these seemed innocent
>enough.  When we got the order I took the first one and they appeared to
>be coated with something crusty.  The manager kept assuring me that they
>were just plain fries, but I finally convinced him to read the
>ingredients.  Sure enough, there was whey on them.
Dear Kathy, you must be from the midwest. I remember hurry on down to
Hardees from my days long ago in Kansas City. Anyway, maybe you already
know if your daughter reacts to whey, specifically. But in my experience,
most milk allergy is to casein alone, and these patients do not react to
whey. Basically, there are three main milk proteins: casein, lactoalbumin
and lactoglobulin. Whey contains the latter two and is casein free.
I have many patients, in fact most of my patients, who react to forms of
caseinate in non dairy items like coffee creamers, Ensure, Cool Whip,
IMO, etc., but don't seem to react to whey in breads, margarine, and
other foods.
Daniel A. Twogood, D.C.