Max Desorgher wrote:
>Anyway, maybe you already
>know if your daughter reacts to whey, specifically. But in my experience,
>most milk allergy is to casein alone, and these patients do not react to
>whey. Basically, there are three main milk proteins: casein, lactoalbumin
>and lactoglobulin. Whey contains the latter two and is casein free.
We have assumed that my son is not only allergic to casein but also to
the "lacto's".  We have never been allowed allergy testing as we are on
an HMO and his reactions are not, at this time, anaphylactic.  He reacts
to the cheeses somewhat and whey containing products (such as
margarine, many breads) much more so.  He only recently began having a
reaction to sodium sterol lactilate in breads.  We avoid everything milk
related, even butter (although I have been told countless times that it
contains no milk protein).  Whey on innocent looking french fries makes
me cringe, especially when the managers don't even know it is there.
P.S. We were traveling in MN when we found Hardees, we are in IL but
don't normally eat fast food other than McDonald's (where I know what is
'safe' and what is not for all of our various food allergies).