from the desktop of: Jay Bowks
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This is from a post to INTERLNG. The following may prove that other lists
also consider the idea of Auxlang/Conlang's, and may prove interesting to
some here who relentlessly uvulate about Esperanto, and what not.  And
perhaps may open discussions about a mating of Eo and Ia, what brood this
may result in, who can say.  I do recall reading Senior Dalton calling
Interlingua "an abortion", but =ABIT'S ALIVE!=A1!=BB and it doesn't sound=
 like a
Franken-sch-tein Monster, not at all, but compare the samples below, what
Diva, IALA's child is... what sweetness in her voice.
Stan Mulaik ha scribite:
> Jay,
>    Pote vos postar alcun exemplos de iste Esperanto sin fleksio in
> interlng.
>    A vices io crede que il es possibile a construer un tal lingua
> de interlingua, usante su vocabulario international.
kvin elemento de Esperanto sen Fleksio=20
pli tutmonda formo de internacia lingvo=20
1. Ni forjheti sufikso -j. Esperanto sen Fleksio ne havi fleksio de nombr=
We discard the suffix -j.  Esperanto sen Fleksio does not have an
inflection of number (singular versus plural).=20
***Nos abandona le suffixo -j.  Le Esperanto sen Fleksio no ha un inflexi=
de numero (singular o plural).***
2. Ni forjheti sufikso -n. Normala vortsekvo esti subjekto, verbo,
komplemento. Nova prepozicio "na" ankaw povi indiki verbkomplemento,
ekzemple na birdo manghi lia kato.=20
We discard the suffix -n. Word sequence (subject-object-verb) will normal=
indicate which noun is the object of the verb. The preposition na will
indicate the accusative when it is necessary to mark it.=20
***Nos abandona le suffixo -n.  Le sequentia del parolas (S-V-O) indicara
normalmente qual substantive es le objecto del verbo.  Le preposition "na=
indicara le accusative quando il es necessari marcar lo.***
3. Ni forjheti vorto "la."=20
We discard the word la.=20
***Nos abandona le parola "la" (le).***
4. Ni ne uzi sufikso -is, -as, -os, -inta, -onta, -ata, -ota. Chirkawteks=
kaj adverbo indiki tempo. Verbformaro de EsF esti: -i (indikativa), -u
(imperativa), -us (kondicionala), -anta (aktiva), -ita (pasiva).=20
We discard inflections of tense. For example, diris, diras, diros are all
replaced by diri. Adverbs and context indicate the time of an occurrence.=
***Nos abandona le inflexiones del tenso.  Per exemplo, "diris", "diras",
"diros" omne son reimplaciate pro "diri".  Le adverbios e le contexto
indicara le "tempore" de un evenimento.***
5. Litero "w" anstatawi u-kon-hoko.=20
The letter w replaces u-breve ("u" with an arc above it).=20
***Le littera "w" reimplacia le u-breve ("u" con cappello).
Esperanto sen Fleksio (abbreviated as EsF) is a reform of the artificial
language Esperanto. While many reform proposals concern themselves with
trivial and superficial issues, EsF gets to the heart of the matter,
abolishing many of the unnecessary grammatical inflections that cause
trouble for people whose native languages (e.g. Chinese, Indonesian,
English) have simpler grammars than traditional Esperanto. EsF also
incorporates the one spelling reform proposal which seems to have the mos=
widespread support, replacing u-breve with w. Apart from that one spellin=
change, EsF makes no changes to the vocabulary.=20
Informo pri planlingvo.=20
***Le information in alto io habeva obtenite del Interrete, in un connexi=
in le pagina home de un senior Harlow, io crede, io no ha le adresse nunc
mesmo, ma io pote recercar lo in Lycos o Yahoo in le Tela Trans Terrestre
(nota vos como le TTT pare un linea telephonic o de telegrapho con le
postos e le transversos?=BF? Multo interessante).
Il esserea un bon idea reguardar como le Interlingua pote esser plus
simplificate e facite plus facile pro le personas de alteres culturas
non-occidental pro aprender lo.  Le Latino sine Flexione, es mesmo un sor=
plus grande e vetule del Interlingua de IALA, e io pensa que le senior
Peano, le famoso Mathematico, se merita multo elogio pro isto.***
Io spera que iste information es de interesse...
Jay B.
from the desktop of: Jay Bowks
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