In a message dated 97-01-28 02:53:56 EST, you write:
> Do you have a
>particular area of interest for your work?
>talk to you later,
>Todd Solomon
Todd, and the list --
Performance enhancement in sport and the arts is my area of interest for
private practice, though I suspect that writing will occupy me more than
direct service -- it certainly has so far.  Gestalt therapy has a rich supply
of techniques and views to support the development of performance prowess in
sport and art, and to address performer-glitches that impede success.
 Indeed, that seems so obvious to me that I suspect someone has already
developed the notion well. (If you know who, let me know.  Reading is one of
the things I can fit into the herky-jerky demands of full-time parenting.)
Prowess and gender issues are a particular area of interest -- my youngest is
a girl, whom I innocently set out to raise with a mind of her own.  Sheesh!
 She succeeded!  Study of Celtic lore and literature has been a part of this,
offering a startling supply of images of feminine prowess, beauty, and
personal sovereignty met by masculine nurturance, grace, and delight.
Thanks for asking!
Polar bear in a snow storm -- BB
Maxwell Smart at a political convention -- TS
How about... a coffee stain on Rorschach's rug?