<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Bryan Hunter writes:
>My mother was recently diagnosed with Celiac.  We have begun seeing products
> with the new fat substitute by Proctor & Gamble - Olestra, and were
> wondering if anybody nows if it is save for celiacs or not?
        Many who have tested the product had the following symptoms:
Severe gas and bloating, anal leakage, and diarrhea.
The reason for these discomforts is due to the bodies inability to absorb
olestra.  (which was the whole idea, you could eat the product, but not put
on the weight)
Sound familiar?
You can read more about it at:     http://www.cspinet.org/
This is "The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)."
\*/\*/\*/ Lynda \*/ [log in to unmask]  \*/ So. Calif.\*/\*/\*/  _@v