<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hi all,
I've only commented or asked a question once before
in relation to a thread on Benadryl.  Briefly: a
three year horror flick, disabled: wheelchair, mental
diaability: short term memory loss, episodic amnesia,
loss of temperature and pain, + a whole lot more.
Dr. were/are unable to detrmine a cause:  My research
indicated only two posibilities: Porphyrias or Celiac.
What I've done for the last 5 weeks: Mega-doses of vitamins
and minerals (100's & 1,000's) times the RDA and stopped
all wheat products. Unbelievable!  I've haven't felt this
good in so long, it's hard to rmember.  I'm left only with a
residue of neurological problems of the ataxia type.
The question: Circa 1960's, a creepy type crud all over my
hands and fingers, brownish with tiny water blisters that would
run clear when broken with a red dot underneath . Dermatologist
tried all the creams of the time with no resolution. 2nd phase:
Injection in hands and fingers with something like Tyhoid or
Malaria vaccine, I don't exactly remember.  Didn't work.
3rd phase: Had ten (10) radiation treatments on both hands.
It finally went away.
Was this Dermatitis Herpetiformis?