Geoff wrote:
>Roberto, how does your liver suffer when you eat nuts?  I'm
> also worried about being too thin so I tend to eat a lot of nuts
> and I  know others on this list do as well.  I hope we're not abusing
>our livers in  the process!

As long as your weight stays stable, the more you eat, & the more
protein in what you eat, the shorter your life.  Get used to being
skinny, & seek out this state, rather than avoid it.  At least that
is my opinion.  I do best around 135 lbs., & I know that if my
weight drifts up to around 140 (& fat drifts up to my butt) that
I've been a bad boy.  I function best when I have no butt, when
sitting can be a little uncomfortable.

--Doug Schwartz
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