Ward said:
> Hmmm, no comment about B-12 here, which I also mentioned.
>remember that  B-12 too has its ultimate origin in the animal kingdom,...
>unable  to get their fair share from intestinal bacterial animals (fauna),

Not to nitpick, but I think bacteria are now classified in their own
kingdom.  As far as I know, *no* animals synthesize B12.

snip a lot of evolutionary arguments.

Ward, your self-assured writing and big words almost intimidated me
from replying, but there's something I'm just not getting.  I've been
following (I think) your and Bob's arguments on adaptation to meat.
Maybe it's the word "adaptation" that I'm stumbling over.  It seems to
me that there could be persistent behaviors that we adapt to in the
sense that they don't significantly slow down our reproduction, yet we
don't need them, and may even be marginally better off without them.
 What am I missing here?  In layperson's language.
Sorry if you've had it up to here T with explaining this stuff.     :-(
