>I just love this group!  Everytime someone makes a point that seems
>unimpeachable, someone else comes along and impeaches it.  I really
>think I'm enjoying this list much more than any other I've ever been on.


That's the whole thing, Martha!! There is _no_ point anywhere that is
unimpeachable. Ward writes in this month's H&B that Truth may not change,
but our Knowledge of it does all the time. The abstractions were are
capable of are not reality, and can not be. It sounds pretty self-evident,
but people who are on to this notion are, I think, the ones most up in arms
about the NFL-style proclamations.

That's exactly what I love about this group too! Looking around the current
media landscape one finds all sorts of promotion of paradigms/products/etc.
but where is there any real discussion going on? Where is the place for
imformation that doesn't _fit_ someone's specific rap? Besides veg-raw, M2M
is one place.

And Chet Day's Health & Beyond is another. In the Christmas spirit (and
with a big triple slug of Shelton's "Let the Truth...") I am offering a
gift of a one-year sub to H&B to the first two folks who email me with
their shipping name and address. Chet has said he needs to get the sub base
up and I'd like to make a xmas gift of a couple subs but have no one that
would really appreciate it among my family and friends (and I _hate_ any
hint of prostelytising; I can never remember how to spell it either), so
why not offer it up to someone who _will_ appreciate it? I also challenge
every other H&B subscriber on veg-raw to give a sub or two or more (each
according to theri means) this holiday season. It looks like Chet is going
to either close up shop or end up selling Herbalife to prevent
same--neither of which he should have to do IMO.

BTW, my impetus for this was getting my H&B on Friday (wail with it Ward!
but of course I have _several_ bones to pick with you about it :), and my
"Journal of Natural Hygiene" on Monday, flipping thru it and seeing it as a
commercial for a paradigm, not even a "support" vehicle. And Natural
Hygiene Inc. consider themselves to be the radical offshoot formed in
reaction to the more "commercial" Health Science" mag!

Let's support any real forum wherever it be found, eh? Speaking of which,
what do we do for the holidays for the list moderators slash behind the
scene guys: Micheal Clingman, Peter Brandt, and ???. Ideas anyone?
