	I agree. I find NFL entertaining, and I'd hate to see them bumped
because of some sort of bureaucratic punctilio that requires people to
sign one name per posting.  If they really do all think alike, why
shouldn't they put all their names on their postings?  They are kind of
rude and immature at times, but if we kicked them off the list, new
veg-raw'ers would never get to discover this fact, and might read their
book by mistake. :-; )
	Sorry, NFL guys; you're probably a lot nicer in private than in
your public personae, and I agree with all attempts to publicize raw
foods, even sophomoric ones.  I was a sophomore once too.  :-; )  If
there's an MTV or other newslist where tennagers tend to hang out, you
might have more fun over there.  We oldphardts are are more impressed by
intellectual concepts.  Are you guys on any other lists?  If so, which
ones, and what has your reception been like?

Bob Avery ([log in to unmask])