>Zephyr here,
>(snip) ...  Our bodies are constantly birthing, dying, eating, shitting,
>birthing, eating, dying.  After a longer cycle we die.  We're eaten either
>by large animals, bugs or bacteria.  Thrown back into the soil.  The sun
>keeps pumpin' in energy to keep the whole cycle going.  So, how is
>death bad?  How is even killing bad, wrong, immoral, unnatural?  I just
>don't think it is.

Now that I know you feel this way, and that you are living in Santa
Barbara, will you kindly let me know where you hang out so neither I nor
my children will inadvertantly wander near?
Seriously, though, from what you just wrote, what would be wrong with
killing humans, either?
Kirt wrote many months ago (from NZ) that he saw no difference
philosophically between eating plants and eating animals.  So my
question to both you and Kirt is, do you see a difference philosophically
between eating other animals and eating humans?  If so, what?

>(snip) ... Even more so, look how the urban vegan lifestyle creates so
>much more havoc, death, deforestation, and transportation than an
>earth-based tribal culture that hunts or herds animals for food and
>partakes directly in the mystery of life/death/birth/eating/shitting without
>flinching or intellectualizing or becoming insensitively calloused.
True, but but so much less havoc than the urban omni lifestyle.  I do
believe that there's simply not enough wild earth left to feed everyone on
earth in the way you are suggesting.
