<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
After sending this information to just one individual, I then noted a
number of queries about B-12, data about injections, etc.  So I decided it
was a good idea to write to the whole list.
For years I have taken B-12 in the form of sub-lingual (under the tongue)
nuggets.  They are really very tiny pills, less than 1/4 the size of an
asperin.  They are (unfortunately, I think) flavored with cherry flavoring,
and taste pleasant and sweet.  I have never bothered to find out whether or
not they contain sweetener, nor whether or not they have any possible
hidden gluten, but as I do not have a negative reaction, I think the answer
to that would be, "no".
Each nugget contains 1000 mcg of B-12, and the blessing of sublingual usage
is that it is absorbed without going thru the digestive tract.  My
understanding is that B-12 is water-soluable and will therefore just wash
out of the system if one takes more than is needed.
There used to be a nasal spray of B-12, but my understanding is that the
FDA was concerned that its use was too much like snorting cocaine and they
did not want it available in that form.  I've no idea what happened to that
product.  Perhaps it is still made. Silly argument, actually, as many
people use inhalers for hay fever, asthma, etc.
My point in all this is that there are other ways of getting B-12 besides
injections.  I believe the nuggets are undoubtedly cheaper than injections,
as well as having the advantage of being painless!  The ones I take are
made by Solgar (also called Cambridge) Vitamin Company.  I have no
financial interest in that company.  There may be other manufacturers that
I don't know about. They can be ordered by mail from L & H Vitamins.  Phone
1-800-221-1152.  I have no financial interest there, either, except that
there are times when I feel like I am the core of their financial support!!
This is not medical advice, just what worked for me.  I hope it will be
useful information for someone else.
Gayle Kennedy [log in to unmask]  Ithaca, NY