<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Low B-12 was what finally led to my diagnosis with celiac disease.  My under-
standing is that low B-12 with other vitamins and minerals apparently normal
is unusual for celiac disease.  That the damage to the intestine tends to
start from the top and the B-12 absorbing part is near the bottom.  Anyway,
we found my low B-12 and put me on injections.  I'm a grad student and this
was at the end of a school year, so they decided to stick with the injections
throughout the summer and look further for a cause the following fall.  At
first I was thrilled that all it would take for me to FINALLY feel better was
B-12 injections.  However, they really didn't seem to make much difference.
Come fall, after some more testing, we found the celiac disease.  The reason
the B-12 didn't make much difference is that it was only a symptom, not the
underlying problem.  I will be forever grateful to the doctor who hung in there
with me for two years and kept looking and looking and looking, and never made
me feel that it was all in my head.  He listened to me and listened to me and
followed a VERY faint trail to the celiac disease.  The low B-12 was the first
actual break we had.  Sorry for going on so long, . . .
Debra L. Boutin
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Ithaca,NY, USA