<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
PS  I was going to send this to Ron but decided the entire list might have
some advice for me.  Also I have just installed a new PC and I forgot some
of my messages on my old one so if anyone has been trying to contact me I
will try to get my messages from my old pc and reply.
I would like to say that I have 3 children, 4 yr. old  celiac son with ADHD,
6 yr old non-celiac son with ADHD and 9 yr old non-celiac daughter with ADD
(impulsive, aggresive not hyperactive behaviour).  All three take
medication.  Before making a judgement on the fact that I have them on
medication please read further.
We follow a GF diet for the celiacs in the family and gluten reduced for the
others.  There is no behavioural change in my kids when they ingest gluten
other than the fact that the 4 yr old celiac get cranky, whiny and doesn't
feel well cause he has gas, diarhea and sometimes vomitting.  Now don't get
me wrong he follows a strict GF diet but accidents do happen sometimes if he
gets into something he shouldn't have.  This is especially true at this time
of the year cause to hime candy is candy and not poison, otherwise he is
very conscientious about his diet.
The 4 yr old is on Ritalin, the 6 yr old is changing from Ritalin to Cylert
since the Ritalin was not assisting him as much anymore.  My daughter was at
the point where she was kicking, hitting, spitting, pinching, punching me
for reprimanding her or even giving her time out for whatever happened.  She
takes neuliptil and imipramine.
You find that drugging children to assist them to learn is not the way but
come live in our house or teach my kids in school for a week and you would
be changing your tune.  Not to put you down but all the literature and
research I have done always talks about structure for ADD children and
always talks about A child in the family.  I have yet to find literature for
dealing with 3 children in one family with only two parents to contend with
them.  More often than not we find we should have a 3 parent family as each
child needs attention for their specific needs and we cannot give it to all
of them when they need it all the time.  My 6 yr old is classified as severe
ADHD and is already ostrasized (sp) by peers at home and at school.  This is
very damaging to his self-confidence, all because he cannot control his
outburst and behaviour.  We find that without the medication, behaviour
modification is non-existant.
If there is anyone out there with some tips, hints, etc.  Please do not
hesitate to write me.