> ombodhi thoren st john wrote:
> >       from my apiarian research, the effect of regular use of royal
> > jelly has the researchers label:  "euphoria."  don't sound like
> > depression to me.  euphoria with royal jelly, for those who have chosen
> > to accept bee products into their nutritional experience.  enjoy!
> > with honey on my tongue,
> >                       bodhi

> Do you know how much royal jelly the researchers recommend each day, and
> also in what form?  Please let me know if possible, thanks,

	i wish i could help you instantly, but i seem to have lent out my
best books on the subject.  in particular, try anything by royden brown,
especially his _bee hive product bible_.  scanning the portion of my health
library actually here in my santa cruz studio apartment, i found these:

_what you should know about honey_ by walter l. gojmerac

_bee pollen  miracle food_ by dr. felix murat  (32nd printing!)

_bee pollen and your health_ by carlson wade

_propolis  the natural antibiotic_ by ray hill

_the miracle of propolis_ by mitja vosnjak

my cursory inspection of the above titles lead me to no conclusion regarding
optimal royal jelly consumption levels.  i'll get back to you when i have
more definite data than the suggested dosage on the side of a royal jelly
package.  i started out doing the jelly in little glass ampules with
metal-coated plastic lids.  renshenfengwangjiang, if my memory serves me
well.  don't get your hopes up about its rawness.  the honey/ginseng/royal
jelly blend makes no claims to heat-sensitive production methods.  i haven't
had the stuff in years, but have vivid memories of sucking the elixir
through incredibly tiny straws, provided in the box just for this purpose.
	somewhere i picked up the idea that fresh royal jelly loses most
of its potency within days of harvesting.  the way to preserve the power of
the queen's food?  freeze-drying.  if you have the time & money, try all the
brands available.  see what works for you.  feel what you feel.
	i've eaten the jelly as a white powder which i sprinkle from a
gelatin capsule (opening them brings back egg-cracking memories of my youth)
into my mouth, a drink, or solid food.  also, the pre-mixed honey/royal
jelly products have graced my shelf.  i like eating both with propolis &
pollen.  all this in a morning nectar!  i don't eat much beeswax...
	our farmers market honey vendor had planned on setting me up with a
hive this fall, but she sold out.  i still intend to keep bees someday.
when i called the city to find out if any legal complications could ensue
from my proposed sweet hobby, i got the biggest runaround of my life.  i
called *dozens* of different people in the local beauracracy, each one
telling me the next person to ring.  leaving my address sporadically, i did
get explanatory mail.  $230 just to *apply* for a beekeeper's license.
still might get turned down.  the farmers market honey-lady responded to my
story with the observation that (1) none of her hive-holding friends had
experienced any hassle from the city/cops, (2) neighbors mellow out about
their children/pets/themselves getting stung when told about the fruit &
vegetable havest magnification that occurs through the pollenating
activities of our winged sisters (also emphasizing that they won't sting
unless crushed underfoot or otherwise traumatized, even then only once per
insect vs. wasps multiple sting (don't wasps eat mosquitoes?)), (3) if you
try hard enough, you'll pester the city into charging something for your
hive-tending tendencies, so leave the officials alone.
	sitting among the white boxes up at the ucsc agroecology farm, the
incessant buzzing vibrates my being to other levels.  bee conscious!

dancing like a bee returning from a new-found orchard,