>HOW YOU possibly say this? The Kents lovewisdoms of the world are

True, Ray is very intense. Of Johnny I cannnot speak.

>I'm a 46 year old nam vet and his truth hits home w/ me.

I was once very taken by him too.  He is very charismatic
straight-talker, but after having worked at his retreat in Texas I saw
the flip side of the coin. I saw a man who had cut himself off from the
world in a cult-like manner and for whom any serious criticism or
independent thinking was seen as a personal threat and not tolerated.
If you are in agreement with most of his views, you are likely not to
see his darker sides until you spend some more time with him like I

>Maybe you need to take a look at yourself instead of condeming people
>that actuually live and walk the walk.

Ray indeed walks his talk and has my full respect for that. I am not
sure, though, the same can be said for Johnny Lovewisdome.

>You will find more superficiality among your "Devotees" on your
>network and e-mail than you ever will by following a Ray Kent or J

I do not think you will find much superficiality either places. But you
will find on this list a degree of dialogue & free thinking that would
never be tolerated in Ray Kent's universe. Should you ever feel the
need to criticize Ray using some of the language you have with me you
might begin to see him in a different light.

>Hoping a bit of introspection comes your way...rob

The reason I responded to Bhodi's comments as strongly as I did is that
I find the adoration that the Ray Kents of the world set the stage for
not only to be distasteful but also dangerous. Too many people have
wrecked their health by blindly following their irresponsible advice,
and I find it only my responsibillity to speak up when I can, so
maybe somebody might think twice before giving over their money, hopes
& power to these zealots of diet. Especially, I find Ray Kent's overuse
of extended fasts (water) & his complete disdain for anything beyond
his own Spartan regime to be the most troublesome.
Despite all his flaws & shortcomings Ray will always have a big place
in my heart. He is a lovable character, and it is painful for me to
have blown the whistle on him like I have.

Best, Peter
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