Peter wrote (& then partially amended):
>Doug, Do you know of other experiments that corroborate the
> findings above? It would interesting to know how hard and how much
> they exercised these rats and how a diet of raw foods would change
> the picture. In "Maximum Lifespan" by Roy Walford p. 138-139 writes.
>"From 1930-1960, medical opinion remained ultra-conservative about
> the benefits of vigorous execercise, regarding it as a form of
> "stress"that would wear out of the body.  There was no evidence for
> this presumptive view, and we know that in contrast to machines
> which wear out the more they are used, the organs and tissues develop an
> adaptive increase in function with use that runs counter to the
> changes which occur in aging."

[Peter noted in his next post that Walford had since amended his
views & was a proponent of moderate exertion.]  Walford was simply
wrong with this, & a good example is Mdme. Calumt (sp?) who at age
120 has never worked a day in her life (she was into moderate
biking).  I grew up across the street from a guy who never worked
either, & I believe he lived to around 104.  (He didn't marry until
80, but I'll avoid the temptation of speculating as to whether an
earlier marriage might have shortened his life :^) )  The Romans
used to work people to death as a rather creative method of
punishment.  Somehow many in the West have gotten into a guilt trip
over whether they are exercising enough, but I would look at it the
same way Bohdi looks at protein: ask people how they get rid of the
wastes exercise engenders.  I'll repeat that in one or two postings
to the CR list in Oct. or Sept. somebody listed several rodent
studies which should remove any doubt on the negatives from
exercise.  The CR list is archived at:
If anybody get ambitious enough to go look there, could you please
send me (or this list) a copy of the relevant post(s) as I wish I
had saved it, but am too intent on practicing active lethargy at the
moment to go look there myself.

I have no doubt that exercise when eating raw is probably a lot less
harmful than when eating cooked, but the principle would still hold
regardless of diet.  Exercise is precisely analogous to mileage on a
car: the more fuel you have run through the engine, the less life is
left in it.

--Doug Schwartz
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