>that the ideal is the "pinnacle" of raw foods, the fruit
> diet.

I'm not necessarily arguing against this, & for the record fruit is
by far the largest component of my diet.

 The LifeHygiene lessons, established by Shelton, for instance, give
> plenty of  evidence that he favoured the fruitarian diet.

He was very, very clear in advocating a vegetarian diet, not a
fruitarian diet.

>  I am very aware of the many
>difficulties of others who WANT to try to become predominant
> fruitarians andmake it a goal,

I'm trying to go the other way, toward less fruit, more vegetable.

>Indeed, not every one diet is good for all, as the human race
> has degenerated so much over the ages and each individual is of
> differentconstitution.

This is certainly true, and even undegenerated humans have widely
differing constitutions.  Some outstanding work was done on this by
one of the greatest biochemists/nutritionists, Roger Williams
(certainly not into raw).  His "Biochemical Individuality"
[technical] or his "The Wonderful World Within You" & "You are
Extraordinary" [popular works] are well worth reading.  Our
individual nutritional needs have an extraordinary diversity.

> I have a beautiful example on this (a 2 year
> experience) in case anyone is interested in hearing the story.

Yeah, can you relate it?

--Doug Schwartz
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