This is in reference to the e-mail from Robert to Doug about body temp., 31/10.
Well, Robert, you did thank me for my "sermon" on 26/10.  In that message
you mentioned that you peaked out in your detoxification after about 6
months of raw food, largely fruit.  You then said that your body could no
longer handle the large quantities of fruit sugar and that you do better
when also using raw vegies, nuts, seeds and grains.
In the message to Doug you mention that Carrington and Densmore argue that
the foods to which humans are best adapted are fruits and nuts only.  This
is also confirmed by Shelton, by T.C.Fry, Morris Krok, Dr.O.L.M.Abramowski,
by Gandhi, Ross Horne, Boris Chartow, Viktoras Kulvinskas and many more.  It
has also been discovered by Dr. Alan Walker and his associates,
anthropologists at Hons Hopkins University, using the most modern electronic
microscopic equipment (New York Times May 1979) from studies of fossil
teeth, that our early anchestors subsisted chiefly on a diet of fruit.  We
are "frugivores"
You like to try it for a while, but I, as far as I know from the messages,
can see you once again peaking out after a few months.  Why?   The answer is
actually given by yourselves when you said to Doug "Also, as you've probably
This is exactly what I always suggest to people in the Fruitarian Network
via the Newsletters and in my letters to them that the body needs adjustment
and that any change MUST BE DONE  G R A D U  A L L Y.    I am a strong
advocate of that and I can back this up with my own 9 years experience on
the fruit diet and through the contact with the hundreds of aspiring
fruitarians all over Australia and the world.   Hence, dear Robert, when you
give the fruit/nuts a try, just like that, you will likely peak out.  Your
body will detoxify at a faster rate than it can actually handle, it is not
necessarily the fruit sugars fault, but the sudden change you are making,
from the one to the other.   I have seen so many fail, because they want to
eat fruit and detoxify "yesterday"!  So, may I humbly suggest, without
further "sermon" to you, that when you, and anyone else for that matter,
want to try out the pinnacle of raw food diet, FRUIT, that you and they take
it easy, gradually, bit by bit so to say.  There are only a very, very few
who have the stamina and constitution to do it "cold turkey".
I trust you understand.  Rene Beresford, coordinator of The Fruitarian
Network, 'around the world'.   All the best in good health to you all.
P.S. I have been around the Sun 67 times and do health-wise very well indeed.