Hi again, Sandy...and everyone else!

Patty Bragg keeps assuring one and all that the Liquid Aminos are raw as raw
can be, but quite a few of us fanatics just don't believe it.  Each time I
see her, I ask again if she is sure it's raw...never been heated...and feel
that the answers are a tad evasive, but then, maybe that's just my intuition.

Ever try to ferment soy into soy sauce...when its never heated at least
enough to pasteurize it?  A tricky task, and it will never come out with the
same flavor, because of all the variant spores and other spurious bacteria
that land in it before, during, or after fermenting.

Remember the first attempts at making genuine Essene Bread?  They (Al
Jacobson's outfit...the Blue Corn Champions) had the same problem...the
bread was different every batch, because it was never heated enough to kill
all but the desired yeasts for consistent product flavor.  That's when the
recipe and rights were sold to the Canadians, who promptly resolved the
quality control problem by baking the stuff!

Al's had much better luck with his Blue Corn ventures.

