it seems likely that on wed, 9 oct 1996, meredith westfall wrote:

> Hi Bodhi,
> I've been having a hard time recently with my more raw/less cooked
> ideals.  I do eat for psychological reasons at times.  What do you eat
> during the day?

aloha meredith!
		i've never eaten the exact same thing on two different
days.  even if i eat only apples for four days from one tree, each apple
registers its own unique individuality.  different vibrations.
circumstances also greatly influence my daily eating patterns.  for
instance, this quarter i have dance on mondays, wednesdays, & fridays,
and aikido on tuesdays & thursdays.  five days a week i get home at the
earliest at 2 or 3.  i won't eat anything solid before the early
	this brings me to the most regular feature of my day's feeding:
morning nectar.  i start just about every day with this delightful
concoction.  oooohhh, a recipe:

			*** morning nectar ***

		- 4 cups water
		- 3 lemons, juiced
		- 1 tablespoon raw honey
		- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
		- 2 herbal teabags
		- 1 lime
		- 1 teaspoon cayenne powder

	directions (suggestions)
		the simplest way i've handled this drink involves mixing
the first three ingredients in a large mason jar.  i'll describe how i
fancy doing it, and you may model what interests you and leave the rest.
upon awakening, i swing down from my sleeping loft, don minimal clothing
to avoid arrest (legalize nudity!), and walk barefoot through the wet
morning grass to a neighbor's lemon tree.  having procured permission
from many local lemon grower's, i never fear citrus deprivation.  with
reverence i thank the tree for offering such beautiful fruits.  smelling
the spot where the stem once connected with the yellow orb puts a little
pep in my step.  in my room i assemble the three pieces of the "mighty
o.j." hand juicer sent to me by those nice folks at _perfect health_
(plenty of incredible resources for the rawist in their catalog.  get one
sent to you by giving them a ring at 800.444.4584.  i don't financially
benefit from any transaction of _perfect health_, or raw dentist thomas
stone).  then i juice three lemons into a cup with a bamboo strainer
filtering out seeds & big chunks of cellulose.  leaving the
great-smelling juice situation to itself for the moment, i turn my
attention to mixing honey in a mason jar.  ideally, i've made tea the
evening before by going into the front house and using the stove to warm
water to around 108F.  i use a candy thermometer and ceramic kettle.  the
water & herb tea steeps overnight in a thermos.  i use a nissan stainless
steel model for travel and a fat plastic (glass lined?) house thermos for
here.  this warm herbal liquid dissolves the honey quickly.  if i didn't
get into the front house the night before, i use unherbalized cold water
(i moved out the microwave, toaster, toaster-oven, & hotplate first thing
when i moved in).  this water has gone through "vapor-compression"
distilling, spat into five-gallon jugs, lugged home, then meted out a
gallon at a time into an old apple-juice jar.  with a long quartz crystal
permanently tinkling on the bottom, i leave the crystal water jar outside
to soak up sunrays, moonbeams, & starlight.
	getting back to the lemon juice, i lift the lemon-drenched bamboo
implement from the cup of liquid sunshine.  i buy limes when away
from lemon trees, like in canada.   pouring a shot glass of lemon
juice, i deposit this ounce into the mason jar of honey water.  usually
i'll follow this with a shot of (raw, organic) apple cider vinegar into
the jar of masons.  with a long-handled spoon, often made of wood, i
vigorously stir the mixture, mesmerized by the fast spinning vortex
whirlpool.  reversing the direction 5, 7, or more times, i get a good
amount of oxygen mixed into it.  for more research into this whole
life-force vortex topic, check out dr. patrick flanagan's books.  also,
_secrets of the soil_ by peter tompkins & christopher bird covers some
good material on fluid dynamics.
	what to do with the majority of lemon juice that didn't make it
into the shot glass?  i use a straw strategically placed at the back of
my mouth to avoid enamel-unfriendly acids from carrying away some of my
teeth.  i used to put all the juice into the drink, but tender teeth
forced a reconsideration of my morning ritual.  for a spell i mixed a
teaspoon or three of cayenne powder into the undiluted lemon juice.
having this as the first thing to hit your stomach at dawn will certainly
wake you up!  i've discontinued regular use of dried cayenne powder
because of the standard practice whereby the stem & leaves get ground up
with the red fruit & seeds.  i've just finished my first batch of
home-dried hot chile peppers.
	.... drink & enjoy!  (i sometimes have 2 or 3 before finishing my
aikido or modern dance class)

> What is your favorite salad dressing?

			with optional additions:
				bee pollen
				garlic greens
				nasturtium flowers
				namah shoyu

			salad dressings can end up as salads!

> Mnay people have
> said that fruit makes their sugar levels crazy.  Does that happen to you?

	i don't recall ever having my blood sugar level measured.  i
still experiment & listen to my body.  i'd like to try fruitarianism
(hawaii probably), along with keeping an open ear to what brian clement
has to say about high-sugar modern fruits & the praises sung to
starch by the american living foods institute.  morris krok hasn't lost
my interest yet.

> What do you do when you're invited to a mainstream typical SAD diet
> person't house for dinner?

	if they don't already know, i may shed a bit of light on my raw
habits.  i emphasize that i don't mind not eating, ("i can think, i can
wait, and i can fast"--siddhartha, by hermann hesse) or just having a
couple pieces of fruit.  usually the host will exclaim "i'll make plenty
of salad."  sometimes they'll really want to make something special, so i
have had almost-strangers soaking almonds & sunflower seeds before my
arrival.  i don't get invited to too many dinners, actually.

> And when the gang wants to go to the local cafe?

	occasionally i'll go, but i don't crave the cafe experience.
plenty of hang-out spots in santa cruz have odwalla juice or some type of
acceptable refreshment.  mostly i'll stick to my water bottle for support.

> Would love to hear your tips.
> Thanks.
> Meredith

plenty more where these came from.  dance with it and see what happens.
