
Wow, you were so lucky to live near a produce warehouse in Japan.  I
hope I can find one when I'm back there.  (I'll be in Otsu, near Kyoto.)
What other fruits (and veggies) did you regularly eat when you were
there, or did you mostly stick to "fuyugaki"? It sounds like "winter
persimmons" to me.  Is that what the name means?

I found out a few weeks ago from a Chilean friend that persimmons are
called "kaki" in Chile, and from a Brazilian friend that they're also called
"kaki" in Brazil.  So maybe they're originally from Japan or that part of
Asia.  (Of course, it could be the other way around.)

I'll be studying Japanese for at least the first three months (I want to
immerse myself) and then I'll find a job if I decide to stay there.

How do I eat sweet potatoes?  I love them as "potato chips", just thinly
sliced with the skins on.  I also use them to eat guacamole.

Enjoy your chips and kakis!
