March 13, 1993 (still in BKK with 6-week summer trips to states).

Test               Melisa             Kirt
^^^^               ^^^^^^             ^^^^
height             169 cm            177 cm
weight              57 kg             74 kg
pulse               72/min            82/min
temp               36.2 C             36.0
resp               18/min             20
BP                 110/70             120/80

Group               a                  o
AFP ???             4                  0
Hb                  13.2 gm/dl        14.6 gm/dl
Hct                 39 vol%            42 vol%
WBC                 4500/mm2          4600/mm2
Neutrophil          44%                68%
Lymphocyte          53%                27%
Atyp Lymph           -                  -
Platelet Smear      Adequate         Adequate
MCV                  86 femtolitre      93 femtolitre
Sugar                101                114 (*above"normal"range)
Triglyceride          40mg/dl            99
HDL/LDL                 -               36/105
Cholesterol          170mg/dl           161
BUN                  11mg/dl             5
Creatinine           0.5mg/dl           0.8
Uric Acid            2.4mg/dl           5.8
Total Bilirubin      0.3mg/dl           0.5
Direct Bilirubin     0.2mg/dl           0.2
Indirect Bilirubin   -                   -
SGOT                 27 IU              64
Alk.Phosphatase      15 IU              61
? Fetoprotien        4mg/ml              -
Hepatitis HBsAg(HAA) Neg                Neg
Hepatitis AntiHBs    Neg                Neg
Hepatitis AntiHBe    Neg                Neg

HIV                  Neg                Neg
VDRL                 Non Reactive       Non Reactive

Color               Yellow             Yellow
Appearance          clear              clear
Spec Grav           1.026              1.016
pH                   9.0               5.0
Protien             Neg                Neg
Sugar               Neg                Neg
Acetone             Neg                Neg
Blood               Neg                Neg
WBC/hpf             0-1 cell/HPR       1-2
RBC/hpf             0-1 cell/HPR       0-1
Epithelial cell     10-20 cell/HPR     0-1
Bacteria             -                  -
Crystals             -                  -
Casts/hpf            -                  -
Mucous               -                  -

both brown, soft.
Occult blood        Neg                Pos
WBC                 0-1 cell/HPR       2-3
RBC                 0-1 cell/HPR       0-1
Larva-worm          Neg                Neg
Ova                 -                  -
Protozoa            -                  -