Thanks Robert,  I think that Traci got plenty to chew/think of with her
"fasting".  Actually, a juice 'fast' is not a real fast but kind of
fruitjuice diet.  A real fast is just water and nothing else.  That's Ehrets
interpretation.  But, sometimes it is better for someone to go on a juice
diet, rather than just a water fast as it is not always that easy to really
fast and as with Traci, if you still have to do some work, then a dilluted
juice fast is better.  Make sure that the fruit juice is HOME MADE, by
yourself, never get that commercial stuff whatever statements they make on
the "bottles".  Also, when you dilute it with water that the water is of a
pure quality, I know, not always easy, but do the best you can.
Any secret to the almost fruitarian diet?   Yes, indeed, pure environment,
exercise, sunshine, my own philosophy: ALWAYS EAT AN AS GREAT VARIETY OF
FRUIT AS YOU CAN,  NOT necessarily at one meal (mono is best) but over a
period of time (say within 4 weeks).  Frequent fasting, I think is not a
condition or necessary when you are feeling well, I said this earlier, in
nature no animal fasts when it feels well.  (but we humans are so clogged up
in general).
Yes, dificulties may arise in connection with B12 in particular, Nuts are
better soaked for anything from 6 to 12 hours, or very well chewed for a
long time, which is better as it mixes with your enzymes in the mouth, this
is to get rid of the enzyme inhibiter in the nuts.  Some people find it
difficult for digestion, well, maybe that is some kind of proof that we
shouldn't eat them.
However, they provide protein.  But then, of course there are so many other
factors playing a role in the success on a fruitarian diet.  Environment,
climate, availability of good fruit, all of these factors which we enjoy
here in the tropical North of Queensland.
But, Robert, the most important aspect is our state of mind.  We are all so
wrapped up in food, eating, diet, nutrition, vitamines, minerals, it becomes
like a nightmare.  I just had a Joanne Shaw asking me about fruit via
e-mail, but her private e-mail and I talked about a lion.  How it lives so
simple and naturally, how it doesn't differentiate between having a zebra
with this or that nutrition, and the deer with such a such nutritional
value.  It feels hungry, knows that it has to survive and has to eat and
goes hunting, gets the food, eats it and then plays.   It is natural to the
lion that it is healthy, not even aware of it.  We are even from before
birth involved in "eating", how to, what to, and so on.   We are being
"told" that there is sickness and disease, we are indroctinated right from
the beginning into believing that humanity is just created to be sick and
ill as part of our destiny, well, kind of taken for granted.  We forget, or
we have forgotten that we are born as the lion, to be in a perfect state of
being, we have, in other words, lost our spirituality about our lives and
about living.  Now, Robert, this is the secret, that we go back to our
original state of being and the fruitarian/raw food diet, which is the most
natural of all, the only way, will bring us back to the state that lion is
in, Just BE, JUST BE!!  Because, the purity of our bodies, with good clean
blood will be helpful, it is not the ultimate end, to bring us to this
awareness and then we begin to KNOW that we are true beings and can play and
truly live. I hope that this has given some light to the issue of fruit.  It
is the purest of all foods, it provide the purest of water, it provides
enzymes, it is the most peaceful way of eating as it involves no killing or
destruction.  BUT......a diet like this needs a transition, it must be done
gradually as THE BODY makes use of the cleansing capacities of the fruit and
detoxifies itself which may bring many discomforts.  This may not be rushed
in any way, could even be dangerous to hurry it!!!  So, take care, enjoy the
journey, yes, enjoy the journey, make it a happy one, full of play, arts,
crafts, music, be as that lion. let also us, humans learn to LIVE again.
All the best in good health and with peace and love ,  Rene.