> Bodhi,  Great article! How is Johnny doing these days? I have gotten
> very mixed reports about his Ecuadorian experiment throughout the
> years. Has he given up on a raw, fruit-based diet and if so how come?
> Has he published anything recently that might shed some light on this?

		i've never met johnny lovewisdom outside the pages of
_remineralize the earth_, various books by viktoras kulvinskas, and joe
alexander's epic _blatant raw foodist propaganda_.  lets read what joe
has to say about johnny:

	dr. johnny lovewisdom is another very outstanding raw food
advocate.  his goal in life has been to discover the solution to all
human problems and the secret of physical immortality.  i once saw a
color photo of him in his 60's and he looked like a radiantly happy 35
year old, with a full head of hair and not a trace of gray in his blond
hair and beard.  it did indeed look like he had found the secret of
eternal or at least greatly prolonged youth.  i have heard though, that
he is crippled, which he says is because of parathion poisoning earlier
in life when he worked in apple orchards in california.

	he calls his system the vitarian way of life.  he says that in
adolescence, the body begins to wear out because of the undue strain
imposed on the digestive system and liver by foods too high in starch and
protein, as well as any other poisons entering the system through eating,
drinking or breathing.  so the body, sensing that its eventual death is
inevitable, activates the sexual reproductive system with accompanying
sexual desire so that the species may be continued through creation of
new bodies, though the individual must eventually die.  but lovewisdom
says that by living on the vitarian diet of "living water" foods, fruits
and vegetables containing about 90% of water in their composition, the
liver and digestive systems are not overburdened with the excess starch
and protein of rich foods, thus the body does not gradually decay and
wear out; the sexual reproductive system does not reach mature activation
and all energy that would have gone to sexual activity is channeled
instead into renewal of the body, and development of higher mental and
psychic faculties.  to be effective for these purposes, such a vitarian
diet must be organically grown with no trace of pesticides or other
artificial poisonous chemicals, and the individual must breathe clean air
with no trace of air pollution.  lovewisdom himself lives high in the
andes mountains in ecuador, on the western slope; apparently the
prevailing winds blow from the east and thus fallout and other pollutants
are deposited on the eastern slope of the mountains and thus the western
slope is the cleanest available spot on the globe, with possible
exception of antarctica, where the climate of course is too cold to grow
fruits.  lovewisdom has founded the international university of natural
living and the pristine order of paradisean perfection in order to teach
others how they may gain eternally youthful life and the highest possible
happiness if they will live by the strictest discipline on earth,
compared with which the discipline of military and business life cosists
of nothing but slipshod, sloppy indulgence of every sort of weakness.

	lovewisdom points out also, that the cultivation of grain, which
forms the mainstay of the conventional diet, necessitates the plowing up
of soil every year which allows erosion which eventually turns the land
into sterile desert, thus grain-eating cultures always leave a trail of
destroyed, lifeless land as their legacy; whereas the cultivation of
fruit trees for vitarian diets creates a stable ecosystem as the tree
roots bring up nutients from deep within the subsoil which then becomes
added to the topsoil as mulch when the trees shed their leaves.  the
raising of cattle, sheep and goats for meat diets likewise leads to
serious erosion which eventually leaves the land as desert.

	lovewisdom points out the falsity of technological development as
the supposed road to greater happiness, abundance and paradise on earth.
people build machines as a substitute for human capacities which have
become atrophied as the result of unnatural way of life.  living on
cooked grains, we become sluggish and lazy and want to build cars to ride
around in.  as our mental faculties degenerate, we try to substitute for
them with computers.  i have heard that some primitive peoples despised
literacy; they didn't want to learn to read because "it will make us
stupid and unable to remember!"  if we were wiser, we would not so much
seek for machines to do our work for us, but for more energy and strength
so we would enjoy doing our work, and would know more clearly what is
worthwhile doing!
				blatant raw foodist propaganda
						by joe alexander