A "Hi" to Ward, Bob, Traci and many others in the raw-food area.  I am just
brand new on the veg-raw e-mailing list. Just a brief introduction may be
useful. I commenced on predominantly raw food back in 1985 and on a
predominantly fruitarian diet in August 1987.  The last 5 years I have been
on, say, virtually all fruit diet (maybe 99 1/2% ?).  I coordinate a
"Fruitarian Network" 'Around The World' and produce a quarterly newsletter.
I have been around the Sun 67 times and although my health is not "perfect"
(e.i. I may not be able to reach my toes, bend backwards etc.), I am in a
very great state of health. I use my 15 speed mountain bike and pedal my way
around often, make brisks walks and long swims, do yoga once a week.  I have
done fasting at times, but do not feel the need for this at this moment of
time.  I might do it again one day, but in nature, no animal fasts unless it
is sick or injured.  I must add that I live in the near ideal conditions of
the tropical climate in North Queensland (just North of Cairns) in
Australia, where there is good, nearly all year round fruit available.
I agree with Ward's recommendation to Traci, that, indeed, the getting "off"
the fast is more difficult than the fast itself. Thank you Ward for bringing
this to Traci's knowledge.  Also your advise on rest, yes, Tracy, to get the
best results is to take heed what Ward mentioned. Did you know about Prof.
Arnold Ehret's books "Rational Fasting" and "Mucusless Diet Healing System"?
Maybe many of you "aspiring raw fooders" like to indulge in some of the
books of Dr. Herbert Shelton and also in the Natural/Life Hygiene/Science
works and teachings.  There are books around from Morris Krok ("Fruit the
Food and Medicine of Men").
The latest great book on raw food has just been released by the
"Raw-Foodists"  Stephen Arlin, Fouad Dini and David Wolfe. The book is
called "Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet".    Maul Bros Publishing, San
Diego, CA.
I would not mind helping out whenever that is possible and acceptable, at
the same time I don't mind learning myself from all of you also.  We ( I
think) should not concentrate too much on just food and diet, but rather
look at the "whole" picture of our well-being, body, mind and spirit,  it is
"wholistic" and one cannot be without the other.  I leave it at this at the
moment and I thank you for the opportunity that we may play our role for a
better Humanity and a rejuvenation of ourselves and our lovely Planet Earth.
Best of Health to you all.  Rene  (ps, this Rene is a MR.  Renee, with the
two "e's is a female) (just in case, as I am sometimes addressed as "Miss"
or "Ms" !!!) Have Fun!