> Thanks so much, Ward, for your thoughtful and informative post about the low
> blood sugar problem!  I have captured it into my computer so I can study it
> closer.  The last couple of days I have been eating almost no fruit (except one
> apple) and avocado and (I know it's not real kosher) cottage cheese, and am
> feeling much better already.  It was heartening to read that I may still be
> able to enjoy some of my favorite sweet fruits in combination with  protein
> and/or fat foods!

I too very much appreciated your message about the effects of fruit on
blood-sugar levels.  I introduced a much larger share of raw foods in my
diet for the primary purpose of increasing my energy levels.  However, it
has actually caused a decline in my energy level and I believe it is
because of the reason you suggest.  I am only now beginning to realize
that I've been sending my blood sugar level on a roller coaster through
my fruit consumption.  Some vegetables also, apparently, have a very high
glycemic index such as carrots, which I tended to eat a lot of.  Thanks
for your suggestions on how to keep my energy on a more even keel.
