Hello Meredith,

> Sent to veg-raw by Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]>

> From my own experience, I find that I have to do about 1 hour of
> cardiovascular (running, stairmaster). In addition, I have to break a sweat.
> When I don't sweat, it seems like there is no impact. If I sweat hard, I feel
> much more at ease. May all be psychological, but I do feel a difference!

> Meredith

I noticed something very similar. There is probably a part of psychological in
it. However, IMO, sweat is a sign of detoxication. It is also the sign you have
reached a level at which your brain starts to produce endorphine and probably
other brain hormones that improve one's mood.

Being on a raw food diet usually increases one's energy and one is able to do
more exercise and reach more easily the endorphine level.
