Submitted to veg-raw by: JR Ellis <[log in to unmask]>

the water I drink today, is mountain valley spring water in a 5 gallon glass container. I was in hot
springs arkansas, and really liked the water there, so I still get it here.

my favorite water, is from a stream. there just aren't many streams near the upper west side of
manhattan. I have found many places where I drank water that tasted good. a really great was to swim
and drink at the same time; on a hot day, after hiking with a pack. I have done that in a few

I prefer spring water to distilled water, because I trust that there is more in water, than h20; as
there is more to air than oxygen; as there is more in food than the basic elucidated nutrients.

I don't drink filtered water, because I can get mountain valley spring today.
