Tiina Makela writes:
> Kirt wrote:
> >It took a while to travel with my passport only and trust that there was raw
 > >stuff to buy wherever I might be. Well, maybe not the Soviet Union in
 > >February, but we were usually traveling in the tropics, so there was always
 > >good stuff to be found.

 > Welcome to the Northeastern Finland, only some ten kilometers from
 > Russian (Kirt: _Russia_) border in wintertime - and you will absolutely
 > be surprised! :) (Yeah, obviously you mean something like Siberia,
>that`s a _whole_> another thing - of course).

 Actually, what do you have there in winter (besides imported
things)? I live here in the warmth part of germany and find it not
such a big fun to be 100% raw in winter. In February,  I have had
enough of carrots, cabbage, topinambur, apples and walnuts and
craved for fresh greens. Please tell us about available foods in
