Meredith Westfall <[log in to unmask]> writes

I'm doing these little exercises to prove to my
>irrational side that food can always be found wherever one is.  Bringing
>food down to "It's only fuel" is going to take more time (a lifetime maybe?)

I enjoyed and related to all of your post but will respond only to this
part. It reminded me of when we would travel in our early raw days. Man, I
would be making a stash of stuff that keeps (dates, nuts, honey) to travel
with, worrying that there may not be anything at the new destination. It
took a while to travel with my passport only and trust that there was raw
stuff to buy wherever I might be. Well, maybe not the Soviet Union in
February, but we were usually traveling in the tropics, so there was always
good stuff to be found.

Once I traveled without a "stash" and nothing horrible happened, from there
on out I've been quite laid back about it.

Say, are you and JR both in NYC?
