>Winter is on it's way (Am I the only one on the east coast?), so I'm a
>little worried about eating raw in the winter.  I tend to get cold easily
>anyways, so I am preparing to get better long underwear.  What about
>food?  Is winter a better time to eat more nuts or dried fruit?  I'll
>take any ideas or suggestions that people may have.

>Nutrition-wise, is there anything I
>should know?  My main goal is to keep the energy that I had today.
>Until next time,


hi meredith
winter in ny is doable, when I can't live in ca.
just not the best place for fruitarians
nuts and seeds are good
also root vegetables are worth trying out in the winter, maybe even salads:

jerusalem artichokes, beets, carrots, etc... the food processor has blades for long thin strips.

stay tuned for recipe

don't worry about the cold, its not a problem, the reverse is true. the comfort range is extended
for raw fooders.
