<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Dear Listmembers: I write to clarify what I believe this list to be, and
it's purpose. I am enclosing the note that inspired me to write. This
list, correct me if I am wrong, is an information sharing & support
group for people with Celiac disease and or wheat intolerance. Posts
made regarding the gluten content of food & drugs, as discovered by
listmembers, and verified by the manufacturer can be shared here, so
that people can keep up with the everchanging GF status. When I posted
information regarding Tylenol, and Advil & the manufacturer stating that
these products can NOT be guaranteed to be gluten free, as they change
the inert ingredients with various vendors (some use oat, others corn),
it was product information that was of factual content.
        The message I received implies that I have a "henny penny/the sky is
falling" approach & inciting people to needlessly abandon, or cease use
of such products. Because I have an extremely high degree of sensitivity
to gluten, my system DOES react to trace elements, and remote cross
contamination. I also understand that even if your system does not
react, the damage to the intestinal lining, and inherant higher risk of
lymphoma still exist- reaction or not.
        To the best of my knowledge, all National Celiac Groups agree that
persons with Celiac disease should not ingest gluten/gliaden. NO
        I am also concerned that the USDA/ Government e-mail address of the
person who posted this, may lead people to believe that expressed
opinions are some kind of "official" Government statement.
        It would be nice if we could classify all products in catagories that
were clear & consistent, and Celiac Sprue was better
reasearched/understood. Until then, this sharing of knowledge, and basic
understanding that gluten ingestion does cause damage is our best
approach. I trust that individuals will glean factual information, and
use this information to maintain thier personal long-term health.
 ~ Fran Gillespie
      [    The letter has been deleted, as it was posted    ]
      [without the permission of its author.--The listowners]