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>Hi Dean,
>Did you see my posting on Garden Taste restaurant in Del Mar?

 I missed your post, but I know The Garden Taste , which has opened up
a second branch a few miles away in Costa Mesa, I believe. They used to
be almost all raw, but for some reason it did not work out for them.
Last time I was there about a year ago, apart from a dinner salad, nori
rolls, a couple of delecious soups and some desserts it was all cooked.

>Also, the Raw Restaurant in San Francisco is looking to open another
>in L.A.!

They were supposed to open one here in L.A. this Summer, as was another
one in Westwood (also L.A.) by a second party. Both projects have been
shelved at least for the time being due to a lack of funds and
resources. I am in mourning :-|. Having one here would make life so
much easier. I have often played with the idea of opening one up
myself. Anybody else with the same inclination? I love the one in S.F.
Though, they do tend to get a little too carried with their recipes,
and the techno music they always have blasting out of the speakers
drives me nuts. Be aware of their salads with sea palm - the sea palm
is unchewable and has to be spat out. The buckwheat pizzas I thought
were absolute disasters, though much to my surprise I have noticed
other people finding them ok. Other than that, I find the food there to
be a real treat and always go there, when I am in town.


Best, Peter
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