Submitted to veg-raw by: [log in to unmask] (Karsten Lieberkind)
> I think I also resent having my mind called "petty". I hope that
>the referenced E-mail was aimed at me or I have wasted everyone's time.

>>It was not. I was referring to a rather disgusting ad, that was sent
>>to this list, apparently before you joined it.

Karsten, Welcome to the list, but please try to express your opinions a
little more respectfully. There is an edge to your last two postings
regarding the announcement of the new raw book that I am sure was
unintended, yet is beyond what is acceptable to this list. Regarding
the book, I have just ordered a copy for myself, and I will let the
list know, when I have read it, if it can live up to its hype.
    Karsten, I am curious as to how the raw food movement is doing in
DK these days? Denmark being a nation of indulgence, do you find it
difficult to maintain a raw food diet among all the temptations? Have
you spent any time at K. Nolfi's raw food retreat "Humlegaarden" in
Humlebaek? (To the uninlightened Kirstine Nolfi, was a medical doctor
who in the 1930's, claimed to have healed many cases of cancer, by
putting her clients on raw food diets)

Best, Peter (protocol moderator)
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